AP 宏观经济学
AP全称是Advanced Placement,也就是我们俗称的大学预修课程。AP考试始于1955年由美国大学理事主办,初衷是为了让高中生有渠道接触到大学课程,并在有能力的情况下提前完成部分大学课程。其中一共有22个分类,包含了37节不同的学科。
- 微观经济学
- 宏观经济学

- 单元 1: Basic Economic Concepts基础经济学概念(考试占比5%–10%)
- Scarcity稀缺性
- Opportunity cost and the Production Possibilities Curve 机会成本与生产可能性曲线
- Comparative advantage and gains from trade 比较优势与贸易收益
- Supply and demand 供求关系
- Market equilibrium, disequilibrium, and changes in equilibrium 市场均衡、非均衡与均衡变化
- 单元 2: Economic Indicators and the Business Cycle经济指标与经济周期(考试占比12%–17%)
- The circular flow and GDP 流程循环和GDP
- Unemployment 失业
- Price indices and inflation 物价指数
- Real vs. nominal GDP实际GDP与名义GDP
- Business cycles经济周期(商业周期)
- 单元 3: National Income and Price Determination国民收入和价格决策(考试占比17%–27%)
- Aggregate demand 总需求
- Short-run and long-run aggregate supply 短期和长期总供给
- Equilibrium and changes in the Aggregate Demand-Aggregate Supply Model 总需求-总供给模型的均衡与变化
- Fiscal policy 财政政策
- 单元 4: Financial Sector财政部门(考试占比18%–23%)
- Financial assets 金融资产
- Definition, measurement, and functions of money 货币的定义、计量和功能
- Banking and the expansion of the money supply 银行业与货币供应量的扩张
- Monetary policy 货币政策
- 单元 5: Long-Run Consequences of Stabilization Policies稳定政策的长期后果(考试占比20%–30%)
- The Phillips Curve 菲利普斯曲线
- Money growth and inflation 货币增长与通货膨胀
- Government deficits and national debt 政府赤字和国债
- Crowding out 挤出效应
- Economic growth 经济增长
- 单元 6: Open Economy—International Trade and Finance开放经济国际贸易与金融(考试占比10%–13%)
- Balance of payments accounts 国际收支平衡
- Exchange rates and the foreign exchange market 汇率与外汇市场
- Effects of changes in policies and economic conditions on the foreign exchange market 政策和经济条件变化对外汇市场的影响
- Changes in the foreign exchange market and net exports 外汇市场和净出口的变化
- Real interest rates and international capital flows 实际利率与国际资本流动